5 Questions to Ask about Food Allergy Testing

What is a food allergy? A food allergy is generally when your body’s immune system overreacts without proper execution. Generally, this reaction is mostly to food proteins. In this process, the food proteins are mistaken as a serious threat. Symptoms can range from being simply mild to as severe as being life-threatening. Remark the discrepancy between food allergy and food intolerance. Food allergy is at times confused with food intolerance. Food allergies involve one's immune system directly and can be life-threatening. An intolerance on the other hand is when your body has trouble on the course of digesting certain kinds of food. It normally upsets the stomach but isn't life-threatening. The most common intolerance in humans is generally lactose. What are the most common food allergens? More than 170 foods are now known to cause extreme food allergies. Some of the most commonly known food items to cause good allergies are milk,...