
Showing posts from January, 2022

Is it okay to use an online clinic for your kid?

    For children and adults alike, the pandemic has pushed us more into the zone of virtual reality. The norms have meant virtual school, holidays over Zoom and for some this extended beyond academic activities. There has been a steady hype on being able to take appointments from doctors from the very comfort of a kid's own home.   From being a less intimidating first meet to having the comfort of your surroundings, more and more children have shown a steady inclination towards choosing an online clinic for their consultation.   There has been a greater acceptance of virtual health visits over the past couple of years instead of the pandemic. Whether it be check-ups, minor illnesses, stress, any other health-related issues or simply a follow-up – the virtual spaces have seen a marked increase in remote care for children. The Travel Clinic and other such special clinics have also found their base online. Appointments for Flu vaccination and allergy testing and other such em

Cold versus flu symptoms: How to spot the difference

  Influenza (flu) and the common cold are very similar making it hard to differentiate. They are both contagious and are respiratory illnesses. But the mark of demarcation comes from the fact that they are both caused by different viruses.  The flu is caused by influenza viruses only. Whereas on the other hand the common cold can be caused by several viruses of varied origins. Some of the viruses include the likes of rhinoviruses, parainfluenza, seasonal coronaviruses and so on. It is also to be kept in mind that the Seasonal coronaviruses should not be confused with SARS-COV-2 as they are very different variants. The virus that causes COVID-19 is of a different variant. Also, take a test for typhoid fever if needed as at times this can be another confusing factor as well.   Because flu and the common cold have so many symptoms in common, it can often be a difficult and cumbersome task to differentiate the two. Also, it may be hard to just know either of them based on just sym