Is it okay to use an online clinic for your kid?



For children and adults alike, the pandemic has pushed us more into the zone of virtual reality. The norms have meant virtual school, holidays over Zoom and for some this extended beyond academic activities. There has been a steady hype on being able to take appointments from doctors from the very comfort of a kid's own home.  From being a less intimidating first meet to having the comfort of your surroundings, more and more children have shown a steady inclination towards choosing an online clinic for their consultation.

 There has been a greater acceptance of virtual health visits over the past couple of years instead of the pandemic. Whether it be check-ups, minor illnesses, stress, any other health-related issues or simply a follow-up – the virtual spaces have seen a marked increase in remote care for children. The Travel Clinic and other such special clinics have also found their base online. Appointments for Flu vaccination and allergy testing and other such emergencies are also being made online for kids.

 Is it a good option for kids?

 We’ve seen a massive expansion of virtual care. There have been many reasons that have made the virtual tour of clinics a more viable option for kids. There's indeed no harm in having kids attend online clinics. Though this experience is especially new to parents given that most of them primarily relied on in-person pediatric visits.

 One of the strongest factors that have increased pediatric video visits is perhaps the fact that it was the only feasible choice for most parents and their kids during much of the COVID-19 pandemic. Around half of the population who let their kids use telemedicine wasn’t able to provide an in-person option for a plethora of reasons. The main reason is that the providers limited office visits due to safety concerns during the much-dreaded tenure of covid for families and healthcare


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