Will My Shingles Come Back?

If you have had shingles before, there are high chances that you won't have them ever again. That doesn't solidify the fact that it can never happen but it just comes out as unlikely. Also named as herpes zoster or shingles, they can come back a second or even rarely at times, a third time. But if you are careful and can take steps to help prevent it, it can be at ease the next time it attacks you. Things to know given your immunity is healthy: In the first several years, your chances of having herpes zoster or shingles are way lower than the people who have never been previously exposed to it. Over time, your chances of a shingles second time shoot up. When are you most likely to get shingles again? You're more likely to get it again if you have a plethora of complications or conditions as mentioned below: If you had severe pain from shingles that later lasted for more than 30 days, then there's an increased chance. Also, this is...