Avoid Travelling Healthy and Returning Sick

If you are considering a safari trip to Africa, then you need to know that your likelihood of returning home sick is high ― no much difference for other travellers too. That is not meant to be scary, we at Touchwood’s Pharmacy travel clinic enlightens our patients and at the same time offer the best treatment to prevent such.

In WHO report, yellow fever, an infection that currently has no cure, is endemic in 33 countries in Africa and 11 countries in South America.

When infected, yellow fever symptoms ranges from a fever with aches and pains to severe liver disease with bleeding and jaundice.

Why Safari Tourists Need to be Cautious
The yellow fever virus can be transmitted by mosquitoes which have fed on infected animals especially in the forest. When this mosquitoes bite or feed on travellers especially in parks, they will contract the fever except if they have been vaccinated before travelling.

Travellers who do not visit locations close to the forest can also get infected if the domestic vector mosquito, Aedusaegypti, feeds on an infected person in urban areas. The mosquito is capable of transmitting the infection to anyone if feeds on afterwards especially travellers who are not vaccinated.

Prevention and Vaccination
WHO estimated about 30,000 deaths resulting from yellow fever and 876 reported cases for the infection which has no cure.

Our yellow fever Milton Keynes professionals will vaccinate you against yellow fever and other probable diseases in the location you are travelling to.

On your scheduled visit which does not necessarily needs to be pre-informed, you will be enlighten on how to safeguard yourself from mosquito bites and also given drugs you can take to prevent yourself against other infections when you travel.

Prevention Tips
To prevent yourself from getting infected by the vector mosquitoes;

  •         Use insect repellent
  •         Wear long-sleeved shirts and pants
  •        At best, get vaccinated.
Safe yourself from being infected with yellow fever by visiting our travel clinic in Milton Keynes to travel healthy and avoid returning home sick.


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