Bacterial and Viral Meningitis: Know the Differences

Bacterial and Viral Meningitis Know the Differences
No one on the face of this earth welcomes diseases. All of us have the same repulsion towards conditions. A visit to the doctor is the most dreaded thing ever. People hate medicines, needles, surgeries and whatnot. All that is related to diseases is considered unpleasant. That makes people remain unaware of various aspects of ill health. But, it is crucial to know yourself, your physique and your health. Meningitis is one such disease which requires complete awareness. One must know about the Meningitis Vaccination Service.

Viral Meningitis
Meningitis is a disease that affects the tissues over the brain and the spinal column. These tissues are called ‘meninges’. The fluid surrounding the tissues gets infected by a virus or bacteria. As mentioned earlier, there are two primary causes of meningitis, viz. virus and bacteria. Many viruses like the non-polio enteroviruses are responsible for it. Viral meningitis is less severe and has symptoms like fever, headache and irritability. Most of the times, this disease gets cured by itself without medicines within 7-10 days. Some antiviral medications can be used to subside the pain and catalyze recovery. There is no need for meningitis immunization.

Bacterial Meningitis
The type of meningitis caused mainly due to Streptococcus pneumonia and Group B Streptococcus. This bacterial meningitis is much severer than its viral counterpart. Its symptoms are severe headache, confusion, sensitivity towards light and muscle pain. There exist three types of bacterial meningitis, viz. pneumococcal, meningococcal and Hib meningitis against which protection can be sought. There are effective Meningitis vaccination Northolt for bacterial meningitis. But, if this disease is not treated well in time, it may lead to serious health concerns like seizures, coma and even death.

The surest way of preventing meningitis is taking proper precautions for it. One must be careful of not coming in direct physical or sexual contact with the infected person. Cleanliness should be made a norm to prevent viral and bacterial meningitis. If you find even the initial symptoms, you should find out about the ‘meningitis vaccine clinic near me’.


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