Why Do Newborns Need The Hepatitis B Vaccine?

Having babies is a blessing to every couple. It is a fruit of pure love. Newborns are known to be super cute and bundles of joy. But, the more delicate part is that they are incredibly susceptible to infections and health hazards. They have a weak immune system which is yet to be developed. Hence, there are high chances of newborns getting attacked by various diseases. That makes it necessary to get the newborns vaccinated against diseases like hepatitis, diarrhoea by rotavirus, diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough. One can get Hepatitis travel vaccination Streatham for their babies’ healthy life.

Need For Hepatitis B Vaccine:
Hepatitis B is a disorder of the liver wherein the liver gets inflamed, and it may cause severe infection. The symptoms include fever, vomiting, nausea and jaundice. The worst part of this disorder is that it may leave lifelong infection. To avoid all this, the hepatitis B vaccine is available in the market. It is to be administered to infants in a series of three doses given as injections. The first vaccine is given within 12 hours of birth, and the two others follow within 18 months from birth. It is recommended as it eliminates the risks of getting Hepatitis B during childhood and also during the adult years of life. It also strikes off the chances of getting liver cirrhosis and liver cancer.

Hepatitis B is a deadly disease, and its vaccine must be administered at the right time to avoid risks of getting it. One can contact trained paediatricians to take Hepatitis travel vaccination Sydenham. It is an effective and much-needed vaccine for newborns.


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