5 Allergenic Foods and their Allergens

5 Allergenic Foods and their Allergens

Food allergies are caused as a reaction of the immune system upon the consumption of certain foods. For people who are unaware of this condition, food allergy is a condition where some specific foods can trigger an abnormal immune response in the body. The symptoms of food allergy might include difficulty in breathing, swelling of the tongue, mouth or face, low blood pressure, diarrhoea, hives etc. So, if you see any of these tests then seek medical help and go for allergy testing as soon as possible.

The substance that is responsible for causing the allergic reaction in foods or drinks is known as “allergen”.  Interestingly, although any food can cause an allergy, there are just a handful of foods that can cause almost 90% of all allergic reactions. Here are five of these vicious foods that might cause allergies. Have a look!

1.     Eggs

About half of the children who have egg allergy will grow over it by the age of three. Three proteins are mainly responsible for egg allergy named as Ovomucoid, Conalbumin, Ovalbumin. Undoubtedly cooking can destroy some allergens in egg but not others.

2.     Milk

Food allergy testing in Bromley reveal that the symptoms may include rashes, vomiting, diarrhoea, stomach cramps etc. Casein may be responsible if the allergy is from cow’s milk. Sometimes babies may also develop allergic reactions to mother’s milk because of hyped production of certain antibodies.

3.     Fish

The major allergen in fish is paralbumin which cannot be eradicated by cooking. Adults are more likely to have this allergy because they eat sea foods more often and there may be severe reactions including anaphylaxis.

4.     Groundnuts

Allergy to groundnuts is often for life. Peanuts or groundnuts can cause severe reactions including anaphylaxis. The allergy is so severe that even tiny amounts can cause a reaction.

5.     Wheat

Wheat allergy is quite common and especially among babies the condition is particularly prevalent. One of the major proteins in wheat that is responsible for causing allergies is Gliadin that is found in gluten. For this reason, person who opt for the best food allergy test and are found allergic to wheat, they are advised to eat a gluten-free diet.


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