Myths and Facts about Shingles


Myths and Facts about Shingles

Shingles is a viral disorder that leads to rashes on the skin. These rashes can be very painful. They appear only on one side of the body. In most of the cases, it is due to the reactivation of the chickenpox virus. People who have suffered from chickenpox earlier in their life tend to get shingles as the virus may remain in the nerve tissues of the spinal cord. This virus may resurface after some years in the form of shingles. The only way to prevent shingles is through vaccination. Shingles Vaccination service is available all around the globe at designated medical centres.

Myths and Facts about Shingles

Certain myths prevail among the masses concerning shingles. It seems that people have got wrong ideas and have not tried to reason and correct them. Here are a few myths and facts that will help you to understand what disorder shingles are:

  1. Myth: An older person is affected by shingles when he is reinfected by chickenpox.

Fact: When your acute chickenpox terminates, varicella-zoster (the virus causing chickenpox) remains dormant in the tissues of the brain and spinal cord. It may reactivate in older adults due to the weakening of the immune system and other factors.

  1. Myth: The first sign of shingles is pus-filled blisters all over the body.

Fact: The first symptom of shingles is paresthesia or severe burning pain on one side of the body. It can last for max one to three weeks which later evolves into a vesicular rash. The rashes of shingles appear around the chest or torso and forehead and scalp. You need to get shingles rash treatment in this case.

  1. Myth: A person must be given medicines before the appearance of rashes.

Fact: The cure for shingles is effective when doctors administer the antiviral therapy within 72 hours after the onset of first rash signs. The antiviral medications are thus helpful if one uses them carefully.

  1. Myth: Shingles is not contagious

Fact: Although the rash that develops due to shingles may not be contagious, shingles may cause chickenpox in someone who has no immunity against it. Hence, it is advisable to take the shingles vaccine.

  1. Myth: The pain due to shingles ceases within a few days.

Fact: Many people experience severe pain for months after the disappearance of the rash. It is known as postherpetic neuralgia. A proper shingles treatment can keep this at bay.

It is thus clear how shingles affect the person. You can adopt a proper approach when dealing with shingles under medical guidance. If you live in London, you can get yourself a Shingles Vaccination in Ramsgate.



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