Meningitis vaccine: What parents need to know


Meningitis vaccine: What parents need to know

The brain and spinal cord is surrounded by protective membranes called meninges. An infection to the meninges results in the disease called Meningitis. Meningococcal infection can be life-threatening and the worst at risk are teenagers, young babies and children. This scary disease causes septicaemia or blood poisoning thereby causing irreversible damage to the brain and/or nerves. There are vaccines that can provide a good amount of protection against meningitis, provided you take them. Two vaccines protect against four types of meningococcal diseases. An additional vaccine is known to protect against serotype B, which also is one of the causes of meningitis. The age-based incidences of meningococcal disease and bacterial meningitis in England and Wales in 2005 were 31.3 per 100,000 among the age groups 0–4 years. The alarming rates of this infection have made it all the while more necessary to get vaccinated. With meningitis vaccination Streatham and Meningitis vaccination Sydenham that have made meningitis vaccination easily available, in the United Kingdom, make sure you get vaccinated as prevention any day is better than regret.

Why is the meningitis vaccine so crucial?

It is estimated that 10-15% of those who get sick with the disease succumb to death, even with antibiotic treatment. About 20% of patients will have permanent side effects, such as hearing loss or brain damage. These stats make it an indispensable need to get the meningitis vaccines administered into every individual of the required age. The meningitis vaccine schedule is generally a one dose immunization that stretches from individuals of one to twenty-nine years of age. The meningitis vaccine age is constricted mostly between these years but NHS recommends meningococcal vaccination strictly for all preteens and teens up to the age 11 to 12-years-old. Also, it is to be bought to notice that a single shot is effective for almost a span of five years. Three tetravalent conjugate vaccines against the serogroups A, C, Y, and W-135 Meningococcus are now recognized and licensed internationally. 

 Are there any ill consequences to meningitis vaccination?

Though considered to be totally safe, there can be some mild meningitis vaccines side effects that are listed below:

       Redness where the shot was injected.

       Pain in the specific area.


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