How to avoid typhoid fever while travelling?


How to avoid typhoid fever while travelling?

Typhoid fever throughout various parts of the world is one of the most common causes of fever and degraded health including symptoms like fatigue, gastrointestinal bloating, pain, discomfort, loss of appetite, constipation, diarrhoea, vomiting and so on. Typhoid escalates due to unsafe and poor sanitation. Parts of East and Southeast Asia, Africa, Central and South America and the Caribbean are the main places where this disease is rampant. And if you happen to be a traveller, you’d never know when you're exposed to the likes of a disease like typhoid. The smartest thing to do beforehand is to take every measure to protect yourself from infection by opting for a typhoid vaccine.

Basic actions that can protect a traveller from typhoid:

       Get vaccinated :

Vaccination against typhoid is always a smart choice. If you're in the UK visit Typhoid vaccination clinic in Bromley or Typhoid vaccination Walsall, at least two weeks before travelling to discuss your options and get properly vaccinated. 

       Practice safe eating and drinking habits :

While travelling, no matter how tempting it is, always make it a must that you choose your food and water sources with utmost caution. A tiny slip in them can leave you vulnerable to typhoid. Always choose bottled water and opt for foods that are boiling or steaming. Wash your hands properly before and after eating. These are always the best guard you can put up not only in the control of typhoid fever but also to a plethora of diseases such as travellers’ diarrhoea, cholera, dysentery, and hepatitis A.

What if you succumb to the disease?

Once you succumb to the disease, there are two major factors that can govern you out of it which are the typhoid fever treatment and food.

The typhoid fever treatment generally consists of Supportive care IV fluids and oral rehydration therapy coupled up with medications such as Antibiotics and Penicillin.

Foods also play a vital role in elevating the body's capability to fight. Some of the recommended foods to intake during typhoids are:

       High-calorie food.

       Fluids and fruits with high water content.

       Food, rich in carbohydrates. 

       Dairy products.


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