How is Yellow Fever Transmitted?


How is Yellow Fever Transmitted?

What Is Yellow Fever?

Yellow fever is a hemorrhagic acute disease, which is transmitted by the bite of an infected mosquito. It is called “yellow” fever, due to the jaundice, which effects some of the patients.

Yellow fever is an RNA virus, which can be avoided by a yellow fever vaccine. This disease is native to the tropical regions of South America and Africa. Yellow fever epidemics take place when infected people interact with heavily populated areas without any yellow fever treatment centers.

Symptoms of Yellow Fever

The symptoms of yellow fever are muscle pain, fever, jaundice, headache, nausea, fatigue and vomiting. They only get worse for a small proportion of patients and half of them die within a week or 10 days.

Areas where people are not immunized, due to lack of yellow fever vaccine, can become vulnerable to the Aedes Aegypti mosquito, which can transmit yellow fever from one person to another.

The yellow fever vaccination in Bromley is an effective answer for anyone leaving for Central America or African region. It is completely safe and quite affordable. Only a single dose of a yellow fever vaccine provides yellow fever prevention, which is life-long and doesn’t require a booster dose.

How Does Yellow Fever Spread?

The yellow fever virus belongs to the flavivirus genus and is generally transmitted by mosquitos that belong to the Haemogogus and Aedes species. Before thinking about yellow fever prevention or yellow fever treatment, it is important to get educated about how it is transmitted.

It is typically transmitted from one human to another through a mosquito bite. People themselves cannot transmit this disease by themselves even when they are infected. Casual contact cannot spread this virus. However, it can be transmitted from one person to another through contaminated needles that can directly taint and infect the blood.

Which Mosquitos Transmit Yellow Fever?

There are different breeds of mosquitos that transmit the yellow fever virus.

Some breed in jungles, while others live in urban areas.

·         Jungle Or Sylvatic Yellow Fever

It is native to tropical rainforests, where is it is transmitted to monkeys through the bites of wild Haemogogus and Aedes mosquitos, which pass on the virus to the primates. Humans working within the vicinity of forests or travelling through it can get infected by the bites of these mosquitos.

·         Urban Yellow Fever

Haemogogus and Aedes mosquitos can also infect a large number of people in urban areas and cause large scale epidemics due to lack of immunizations in these areas.

·         Intermediate Yellow Fever

Semi-domestic mosquitos that are present in both wild and urban environments infect primates as well as people, due to which yellow fever outbreaks can happen in villages. This is common in the African region.

If you have traveling plans that require journeying to the African region or Central and South America, we suggest a yellow fever vaccination in Ramsgate for effective yellow fever prevention.


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