What diseases cannot be detected by blood test?


 Some blood tests are surprisingly inaccurate – and not all conditions are detected in blood samples and health check ups.

Here are the six diseases which are not diagnosed by blood test.

1. DEMENTIA: It isn't your blood that reveals the game. It's your symptoms, plus the doctor asking you a few simple questions to assess your memory and mental capacity.

Even then, it can be difficult to tell if you are suffering from dementia or simply having "senior moments," so you may be monitored over time to see if you are getting worse.

2. PARKINSON'S DISEASE: Again, the symptoms — shaking, stiffness, and general sluggishness — determine the diagnosis. A special scan may be used to confirm it, but blood tests will not.

3. MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS (MS): You will almost certainly have blood drawn, but this will be to rule out other problems that resemble MS. The final decision is based on your symptoms and specialized tests such as scans.

4. RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS: A blood testing for "rheumatoid factor" provides a useful clue. However, it proves nothing. Some people with rheumatoid arthritis have a negative test, while others do not. Doctors make a diagnosis based on your symptoms, which include persistently painful, swollen, and stiff joints on both sides of your body.

5. PROSTATE CANCER: Yes, there is a blood test called "PSA" that can detect signs of prostate cancer. But it's accompanied by a slew of ifs, buts, and maybes. Other factors can contribute to a positive test result. A negative one, on the other hand, does not rule out cancer. Furthermore, no one has proven conclusively that PSA testing is beneficial, so you should obtain written information to help you decide whether to proceed with the test.

6. BIPOLAR: Don't bother with blood tests; it's all in your symptoms. That is true for almost every psychiatric condition. Except in the case of depression, blood samples are useless. But not right now. At some point in the future. So don't join the blood-letting line just yet — it'll only make you angrier.



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