Why Shingles Could Be The Worst Disease You've Never Heard Of?

Caused by the same virus as chickenpox , shingles is a common condition that affects mainly older adults. It’s a viral infection that causes a painful rash that can appear anywhere on your body. Shingles is usually not a serious condition for adults who are generally healthy, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t risks. Left untreated, shingles can cause life-threatening complications and even death. How Dangerous are Shingles? Most people who contract the shingles virus will recover without any complications. With treatment, the uncomfortable symptoms of shingles should clear up within 2-4 weeks. Left untreated, severe cases of shingles can become very serious. Antiviral medication is usually the first course of treatment given when you’re diagnosed with shingles. Some groups are more likely to experience complications from shingles, including: People over the age of 65 People with autoimmune diseases Pregnant women Those undergoing cancer treatment Sh...