Why Home care is considered better?

For most of us, Home care is and will be always a better option obviously for a sane reason. Who wouldn’t want to stay home if they could? Home is a place of emotional and physical associations, memories and comfort. Although many people can be happy in assisted living facilities, retirement communities or nursing homes—and for many people these are better options—for some people leaving their home can be disruptive and depressing.

Home care is the fastest growing segments in care for the elder and other options ranging from light housekeeping to skilled nursing. Because of the many options in home care that are becoming available, people in all kinds of situations can now make it their first choice. Here are few reasons why home care is a popular choice:

- Allowed to go home early- With home care, patients are allowed to go home sooner from the hospital than in cases without home care. Also since the care services can be extended to their comfortable homes, hospitals are not needed for a longer time.

- People at home can participate in care- Both the patient and family members can be more intimately involved with the patient’s treatment at home—helping to administer medications, working with the patient on physical therapy and coaching them on their recovery.

- Comfort and Independence- Being at home is simply more comfortable for most people than being in an unfamiliar place. They have their photographs, books, bed, bath, kitchen, telephone, television; everything is in its place, which in studies has proven to be an effective emotional healer.

- Extended love of friends and family- Members of the family and close friends can easily meet the patients and spend as much time they want. Presence of affection and physical love helps the patients heal faster and stay better.

- Morale
Patients tend to have a greater sense of well-being and overall morale when they are in the comfortable surroundings of their own home.

- Cost effective- Depending on the hours needed, home care can be much more affordable than nursing homes or other institutions.

- Promotes healing-
Patients enjoy a much better quality of life which many families have said helped to extend the lives, health & happiness of their loved ones. They are in a familiar environment around their family in both their home and community in which they’ve lived for many years. This is particularly true with individuals suffering from dementia.


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