What are the stages of Shingles?


What are the stages of Shingles?

Anyone who has ever had chickenpox may develop Shingles. The disease also known as herpes zoster, this is nothing but a painful reactivation of the chickenpox virus with a rash on the torso in the form of strip. In order to avoid the pain and as a form of Shingles Prevention, one can go for the shingles vaccination as an adult or for the chickenpox vaccine as a child.

The first stage of shingles will show a tingling or painful sensation on the skin. You also feel slightly unwell at this stage, but not sure what is exactly happening. At the second stage, you can now see the rash appearing, but this will be only on one side and not both. If it appears all over or on both sides, it may not be shingles. This is an itchy rash and is painful and also oozes a liquid. This liquid causes the shingles to transmit to others as shingles is a contagious disease. The rash begins to heal and dry out in up to 4 weeks. Cover the rash through loose clothing if you are stepping out. Make sure you do not come in close contact with pregnant women and small children if you have shingles as it can cause the chickenpox in them. The best way to avoid going through a painful experience as such is to get a shingles dose and prevent shingles from happening to you. A shingles shot ensures you do not catch the disease. Even if you ever get shingles even after being vaccinated, the symptoms are mild and much less painful. Anyone over 70 years is eligible for the shingles vaccination as per the NHS, people over 80 have less effect of the vaccination and therefore are not prescribed to get the vaccine. Those with a weak immune system or getting radiation as part of their cancer treatment should not get the vaccination. Consult your doctor or pharmacist and get the shingles vaccine jab.


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