3 things you should know about shingles


3 things you should know about shingles

Three things in short you should know about shingles. Below is a more detailed explanation of the disease.

1) It is a painful rash caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox. Therefore those who have had chickenpox in childhood are likely to have shingles as adults.

2) Shingles is not contagious from person to person, but one who has not had chickenpox yet, nor has been vaccinated against it, can catch the virus from you and suffer with chickenpox.

3) It takes about 4 weeks for the shingles rash to heal. The rash scabs out, but the area still remains sensitive and painful for a little while longer. All of this pain and suffering can be prevented by getting yourself and your family vaccinated.

Shingles (also called herpes zoster) is a viral infection caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox called the varicella-zoster virus.

Shingles symptoms

Feeling unwell or sick with headache and pain along with a tingling sensation in parts of your body is one of the first symptoms. Later on a rash appears which is reddish in colour. The rash may usually appear on the abdomen, or chest. But in certain cases, it also appears on the eyes, face and genitals.

These red blotches are itchy and filled with a fluid which is contagious and can spread chickenpox to others or spread the rash to other parts of your body on contact. The rash is in clusters and usually appears only on one side of the body.

Shingles treatment

Keep the rash clean and dry. The oozing liquid should not touch other parts of your body nor should it be allowed to touch others. Wash your clothes separately to prevent the spread of this disease. And wear loose clothes that do not stick to your body. You can have paracetemol to ease the pain. You can also use a cool-gel pad or an ice pack on the area to reduce the pain and itchy feeling.

Shingles vaccination is available for individuals between 70 to 80 years of age with NHS. But if you 60 years old and are looking for Shingles Vaccination in Northampton, or Shingles Vaccination in Ramsgate simply login to https://www.touchwoodpharmacy.com/ and find out more details. You can also call them on +44 (0) 844 561 7967 to schedule your appointment.


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