
Showing posts from November, 2022

What are the different types of liver function tests?

Your liver is an incredible organ that performs several functions to keep your body running smoothly. It performs over 500 different functions. One of its most important jobs is to break down food and convert it into energy. It also regulates the chemical levels in the blood and creates bile, a substance that carries away waste products from the liver. The liver also: Helps fight off infections Cleans the blood of bacteria and particles Neutralises toxins Regulates several hormones Produces enzymes and proteins needed for blood clotting Metabolises drugs Getting regular liver function tests can help keep you informed on how your liver is doing. Liver function tests are diagnostic tests that measure the levels of proteins and enzymes in your blood. By analysing these substances, any liver damage and disease can be detected and treated. Types of Liver Function Tests There are several types of liver function tests, including: Alanine tr

What's the difference between hepatitis B and hepatitis C?

Hepatitis is the general medical term for inflammation of the liver. There are several different types of hepatitis, including hepatitis B and hepatitis C. While both are viral liver infections that share similar symptoms, they are two separate conditions. Hepatitis B and hepatitis C also have different approaches to prevention and treatment. Hepatitis B Caused by the Hepatitis B virus, Hepatitis B is spread through bodily fluids like semen and blood. This can be through sex, childbirth, or unsafe practice with needles. Not everyone who is exposed will become ill or have symptoms. Most people will clear the infection on their own, even if they experience severe symptoms. For others, the infection can become chronic. Chronic hep B increases the risk of liver damage, liver cancer, and liver disease.  Children and babies are the most susceptible to developing chronic hepatitis B. Studies have shown that up to 90% of babies infected with hepatitis B will go on to develop a chronic