Do I Need a Rabies Vaccine After Getting Scratched by a Cat?

Rabies is one of the most infectious diseases in the world. It is a severe disease that can affect any mammal, including humans. More than 55 million cases were reported in 2016 alone. If your unvaccinated pet scratches you, it's possible to get rabies without knowing it.

The virus gets transmitted through saliva or mucus transferred through an open wound. Scratches from cats can cause infections and other health problems, so get yourself checked out right away if scratched by a cat. Getting a rabies vaccination leighton buzzard prevents the virus from attacking your CBS and the brain.

rabies vaccination

Why don’t your pet cats get the disease?

You may wonder whether or not you need a rabies vaccine injection after being scratched by a cat. If you are, it's time for some good news: there is no need to worry about this!

Cats don't carry the disease themselves because some species are naturally resistant to the effects of the virus causing the infection. It means that cats can host the virus without appearing "rabid."

However, their immune system will fight off the infection when a person gets bitten or has a deep puncture caused by a cat scratch. There are also other reasons why this does not happen, and those reasons include the following:

        The bite itself may not break the skin enough for it to cause infection;

        The amount of virus injected into your body depends on how deep into your skin did get cut;

        Your immune system can easily fight off viruses before they take root within cells to reach their target organ (in this case: the brain).

Ensuring your immune system gets a dose of inactivated copies of the rabies virus thru rabies vaccination provides a safe recovery. In addition, it is a medically accepted preventive measure to stop the virus from attacking your nerve tissues and brain cells.

Scratches from cats cause infections and other health problems

If a cat has scratched you, it's essential to get yourself checked out right away. You may have bacterial infection in your wound that can lead to other health problems like cellulitis or sepsis. It is also possible that the cat's saliva contains Lyme disease bacteria, which could be passed onto you through scratch.

If this happens, then make sure to get tetanus shots (TDAP) if they are available within 30 days of getting scratched by a cat; otherwise, if there isn't any possibility of getting these vaccines within 30 days of being struck by an infected animal then consider getting one now so that any future risk is avoided!

So, if you've been scratched by a cat and think it might have rabies, check yourself out immediately. Touchwood is a premier animal bite clinic offering rabies vaccination hanwell and the nearby areas. Also, get yourself checked if you've been bitten or scratched by a stray or your pet cat. After all, rabies is no laughing matter.


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